Welcome to Dr. For Moms
I have the pleasure and privilege to work jointly with health care practitioners from many disciplines (chiropractors, midwives, doulas, medical doctors, OB's, physical therapists, homeopaths, naturopaths, massage therapists, lactation consultants etc.) I know that our working together to achieve the best results for our patients is a goal we share. My practice, and the team that I have hand picked to work with me at Dr. For Moms Perinatal & Pediatric Natural Health Center, is focused on the care of pregnant women, post partum women and their children. Our treatments, therapies and expertise along with your expertise, support their needs throughout the perinatal period.
In the spirit of collaboration and providing the best possible care, I have included this section on my site to help us work together as best we can. I have provided a few tips as far as referral times and described some of the treatment programs we offer that you may want more information on or may not be aware of. My philosophy is to work collaboratively with all of you, with a respectful desire for knowledge and sharing of information.
To introduce you to what we do, and who we can help, we have created a magazine that you can read by clicking here.
I welcome you to review the information below or anywhere on the site. I also welcome your comments and any questions you may have.