A few of our favorite links
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association is dedicated to education, training and chiropractic research for children and pregnant women. The website is full of informative articles and current research.
A fantastic informative site for natural living loaded with information from pregnancy through parenting - you will love this site.
The HPA is a non-profit, educational organization that unites parents and health professionals in the common goal of improving and transforming pediatric medicine into a safe, nurturing, and sensible holistic health care system for children. Empowering parents to trust their natural wisdom and make informed choices on behalf of their children
A resource for people seeking information about childbirth options in Calgary. Home of 'Birthing' Magazine, referrals, workshops, meetings and much more.
LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice. This site contains great information for Lohas companies and Lohas consumers. Are you a LOHASIAN?
Christiane Northrup MD - a fantastic resource for women's health from childbirth to menopause.
Dr. Mercola tells it like it is when it comes to anything related to your good health.
This is my favorite place to buy flowers.
Natural Health Information Centre
drformoms.com - does not endorse the content of any of the sites listed on this page. They are collected for the sole purpose of assisting those who require more information or resources than is contained on the drformoms site.